Immediately available for rush and custom jobs.

Below you will find a brief overview of our approach.
We take care of everything, from on-site support to successful implementation.

Our approach

Telephone call or Skype meeting.

We would like to get to know you by phone or via Skype and discuss your project. In this way, we make an initial estimate of the resources and people needed to get your project up and running. And we're making a proposal for a rapid assessment. This is an on-site inspection to check whether our assessment is correct.

Our expert does a rapid assessment at your location.

In a rapid assessment, an expert from our team integrally examines the current state of the project. He examines the code, planning and functioning of the current team of developers. A rapid assessment can take place worldwide within 72 hours.

You make a decision: whether and how to proceed.

As a result of our on-site survey, you will receive a brief project plan in which we make a proposal about the approach to your project. Including work to be carried out and associated costs. Based on this, you can decide whether and how you want to proceed with the project. We would like to offer you the opportunity to hire our PHP Rapid Response Team.


The PHP Rapid Response Team moving out.

Depending on your case, we will put together the most fitting team. The PHP Rapid Response Team comes into action remotely or at your location. Our multidisciplinary team can take over all tasks within the project immediately. If desired, your people can be included in our team.

The team on location is supplemented by remote employees.

If necessary, the PHP Rapid Response Team can be complemented on site with remote employees. By allowing employees to work from other time zones, such as India, we ensure that the work continues even if the on site team sleeps. In this way, we are constantly working on the task at hand allowing your project to be 'live' quicker.

We successfully complete the project and tidy up.

After the project has been completed, we transfer the code to you and take care of the after-care, such as training and documentation.

Do you want immediate help with your PHP project?

Mail or call us now!